1935 - 2022

John’s funeral took place at Reading Crematorium, All Hallows Road, Caversham, Reading RG4 5LP on Monday 23rd May

Order of Service

To view the on-demand webcast for the service, please use this link

We respectfully ask not to bring flowers to the funeral. If you would like to, please make a donation to the Parkinson UK Charity

John was born in Harrow, the only child of Arthur Herring and Doris Huskisson. Dad spent his childhood in Harrow and lived through the Blitz, sleeping under the stairs to shelter from the bombs.

John attended Preston Manor grammar school in Wembley Park from 1946 - 1953 where he met Pamela, the love of his life.

John served two years with the RAF before joining ICI. ICI sponsored John to attend Aston University to study chemistry on a sandwich course.

John Married Pamela in 1957 and a few years later moved to Nigeria, where John oversaw a paint factory.

Back in England in the mid 60’s, John joined Urwick Orr & Partners as a management consultant. John and his family spent three years in Johannesburg, South Africa in the early 70’s. On their return to the UK, John joined Gallagher’s where he led the establishment of a range of new business ventures including a travel agency and a Hong Kong based clothing company.

John retired in the early 90s and moved with Pam to a small town near Marbella in the south of Spain. John and Pam enjoyed the views of the Mediterranean from their patio. They had an active social life playing tennis and bridge and would be often found having coffee and churros in the local cafes.

John and Pam returned to England in 2013 and settled in Caversham.

John is survived by Pam, his wife of 65 years and his three children, Paul, Mark and Kathleen, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.